
This song by Big Daddy Weave….If you’ve never heard it, take a listen. If you at any time in your life have given yourself to Christ, accepted Jesus as your savior, You are redeemed. Listen. You are redeemed. You don’t have to be that old man inside of you. He’s not done with you yet. 

I wrote this entry  a while ago. But I go back to it ALL THE TIME. The message in this song helped change my life. That scripture above I play over and over in my head ALL THE TIME. 

I’m a new creation. I left that person I was at the cross. The cross that Jesus hung on for me. For you. 

The battle was never mine. 

But the victory is. 

Redemption is. 

Freedom is. 

Give it to Him. 

Lay it at the cross. 

Let Him carry the burdens you can no longer carry alone. 

Give Grace A Hug❤️

I have had to sink into this song more than quite a few times this week. (If you’ve never heard it, it is worth a listen) Sometimes over and over, in all honesty. Sometimes it slips my mind the exact words in this song. That I have been redeemed. I remember oh God, you’re not done with me yet. I’m not who I used to be. I don’t have to be the old man inside of me. I’ll shake off these heavy chains and wipe away every stain…I’m not who I used to be.
I AM REDEEMED. I don’t have to live in the past. I don’t have to live in the sorrow from yesterday’s hurts. I don’t have to be that fearful, worrisome woman that resided in me just months ago. It has taken me a while to understand what it truly means to accept Christ into my heart. This song brings me back to the retreat I went to in April. I finally “understood” what it meant to be redeemed. To walk in the freedom of being new in Christ. A new life. A new creation. A new name. I am not who I used to be. I gave her up that weekend. I let her go. I hung my fear and anxiety and unforgiveness and shame and guilt and hurts and pain on the cross that weekend. Right there. I said goodbye. I watched them burn. I felt them release. It was like a weight lifted. Balloons floating away in the wind. Clouds skimming by. Thunder clapping, removing my own doubt and fear and taking it all away with power and force and certainty. I knew at that moment I didn’t have to worry any more. God has got this. He took it from me. He took all of it from me. He gave me the greatest gift a sinner like me could have, with my pride and my self-unforgiveness and my guilt and confusion and my will, and sent me His son, who was willing to die so I didn’t have to. So I could forgive and forget, so I could be forgiven, so I could repent and rest, so I could love and be loved. 

Could you imagine what it would feel like to sacrifice your son, your child, to save a sinner like you and me? Can you imagine the hurt, the pang of guilt in your heart, the void? Could you do it? Could you imagine how God feels when He sees us deny it. Or walk away from it. Or live it half half? He loves us anyway. He welcomes us. He finds us. He wants us to accept our freedom. Take it. Walk with it. Run. Stand. Just accept that it’s yours. Your shame and guilt and pain can be washed away. Your void can be filled. Your heart can be healed. You are not too broken. You are never too broken, never, ever too broken to feel God’s love. You are never too good or too bad. You are never too black or too white. You are never too old or too young. You are never too late or too early. He is right on time. He is waiting on you to understand there is never anything you could do to earn His love. Never. No work. No task. No labor. Nothing. There is nothing you can do but accept Him into your heart. Walk with Him. Give Him your burdens. Let Him carry the weight. Know you are redeemed the second you give your life to Him. There’s no line to wait in. No ticket. No guessing. It may not feel that easy, but it is. You just have to accept it. Let it. Receive it. Walk in redemption. Walk in faith. Walk in His never ending grace. His mercy is new every morning. Every morning. New. You. Him. Together. Nothing is impossible. You are redeemed. Free. Bought at a price. The battle has been won for you. You don’t have to be who you used to be for the simple fact that He paid for your sin, your baggage, your shame, your guilt, your fear, your past, your yuck. He bought it. He took it. Freely. He died so you could live. He died so you could have a new life in Him. A new life. Do you hear that? Yes, you. If you’ve accepted Jesus as your savior or even if you haven’t, and you’re just not sure or ready or you don’t know what’s next. Ask Him. Open your heart to Him. Whether it’s all at once, or little itty bitty pieces at a time. That’s all He wants. Our hearts. To be a new creation in Him. His will. Nothing we could have ever done alone. As we die to our old sinful ways, we are raised up, as a new creation. Raised up. Yes!!! Raised up!!! Lifted from death, apart from our old, sinful, prideful, selfish ways. Separated from who we used to be. You don’t have to live there anymore. That past. That yucky place you’ve left behind. That old relationship. That grief. That fear. That grimy self worth. That dirty stain you can’t get out. It is gone. You are redeemed. Let it go. Live now. Live for who you are now. Who He sees you to be, not who you used to be or even who you see yourself as. You are a new creation in Christ! Raised up! Redeemed! Free! Loved! Forgiven! Forever His! Thank God, redeemed! He’s not done with you yet! Mercy is new every morning! No need to fight the battle that has already been won! He will fight for you! Remember that, every day, good or bad, you are not who you used to be, you don’t ever have to go back. And when you’re feeling down and blah and irritable and emotional and cranky and exhausted and confused and hurt, call on Him. Scream it, cry it, whisper….He hears you. He’s there. Stop. Play your favorite song, read scripture, a devotional, a prayer, a poem. Take time to hear Him say, “stop fighting a fight that’s already been won, You are redeemed, you are set free, shake off those heavy chains, wipe away every stain, you are not who you used to be, you are redeemed. Thank God, redeemed. Remember, He’s not done with you yet….

Hang on. Hold tight.

Give Grace.

Give Grace A Hug❤️

2Corinthians 5:17 amp

Therefore if anyone is in Christ [that is, grafted in, joined to Him by faith in Him as Savior], he isa new creature [reborn and renewed by the Holy Spirit]; the old things [the previous moral and spiritual condition] have passed away. Behold, new things have come [because spiritual awakening brings a new life]